Relief Programmes
Accurate assessing the needs on the ground, resources mobilization, ensure timely delivery of aid to affected populations and accurately account for the aid dispersed to all the stakeholders involved. Our relief intervention programmes include: Food aid, Nutrition, Health, and WASH.
SORRDO has greatly contributed in helping Somalia in realizing improved access to reproductive health services for Somali Women and Girls through enhanced reproductive health-care service delivery processes across Somalia. in partnership with the Ministry of Women and Human Rights Developments and other actors like UNFPA has continued to deliver essential life-saving Reproductive health and Gender-based violence responses to the people of Somalia and in particular the displaced population living in Somalia.
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Rehabilitation Programmes
This involves restoration of crucial infrastructure through reconstruction of water wells, schools and key sources of community livelihoods such irrigation canals, common market places and road networks. We also go the greatest length possible to rehabilitate the society through protection, education (formal, adult and peace education) and vocational skills training programmes, targeted the youth (ex-combatant and reformed pirates), women and other special interest groups such as people with disabilities.
Recovery and development programmes
Our recovery initiative aims at increasing community resilience against the recurrent food insecurities and other related humanitarian crisis through the restoration of key sources livelihood. We create employment opportunities through food for work, food for assets that are aimed at encourage and support sustainable supply of food and income generation. These include farming and livestock development and small-scale business activities.